Kimmaree Menendez Horvath '93

"I attended Maumee Valley Country Day School for high school and it was the best decision my parents could have made for my education. The rigorous and thorough education I received made college seem easy! The quality of the education I received was the driving force behind my decision to send my own children to an independent private school."


  • MVCDS社区

    持久的 & Meaningful Connections
Maumee Valley Country Day School alumni are welcome to participate with fellow classmates in the life of the school, as Maumee Valley alumni provide an invaluable bridge between our school's past to its future. It is gratifying to contribute to the overall well-being of our beloved educational institution. It is always a pleasure to return to the place that defines our beginnings.

There are so many ways for alumni to reconnect. Maumee Valley hosts several alumni events on campus throughout the year: "Homecoming Weekend" and "校友 Reunion Weekend" in September; "Get Back Give Back Day" in November; our "Holiday Hoops and Holiday Party" in 12月ember; and the Smead 午餐eon in 五月。. Additionally, we host regional gatherings in major cities, including Washington, D.C., 纽约, 波士顿, 费城, 巴尔的摩, 芝加哥, 哥伦布, 克利夫兰, 辛辛那提, 丹佛, 西雅图, 旧金山, 帕洛阿尔托, 和洛杉矶.

If you have not had the opportunity to visit campus in the last year, I urge you to stop by Maumee Valley Country Day School for a visit. The 校友 Office would be glad to meet with you and provide you with a tour of the school. Please contact for more information or call 419-381-1313 x112 to get involved.

MVCDS 校友 Association

The 任务 of the Maumee Valley Country Day School 校友 Association is to maintain and promote lasting and meaningful connections from the school to its alumni, and from alumni to alumni. The Association recognizes that alumni are a vital part of the greater Maumee Valley community and that they play an essential role in support of the 任务 of the Maumee Valley Country Day School.

校友 Council 成员s

List of 10 items.

  • Grace O'Leary '16

  • Nihal Kattar '13

  • Jena Pugh '04

  • 莫娜·戈哈拉,93年

  • Melanie Gross '91

  • 布伦特·韦斯特77年

  • Sachin Hejeebu '15

  • Linnea Johnson '13

  • Mike Orra '99

  • 杰萨尔·帕特尔,91年




  • 校友

    This Month's Class Notes
Maumee Valley Country Day School is the only PreK-12th grade accredited, 男女合校, and independent school in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.